
I am Katey #1941

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I am Katey #1941


I am Katey.

I am experiencing domestic abuse.

I am Katey was created to help me escape domestic abuse and to help me find a safe place to live; a place where I can start my life again, free from fear, anxiety, and abuse.

I never thought I would experience domestic abuse. But it can happen to anyone.

I am Katey was designed to raise awareness about domestic abuse, so women don’t suffer in silence any longer.

Just because she smiles in public, it doesn’t mean she smiles behind closed doors. Domestic abuse does not look the same for everyone. It can take many forms. It does not have to involve physical violence. It can be emotional, psychological, financial, sexual. It can include threatening and controlling behavior. It can be subtle, or it can be loud and in your face. It can also include threatening behavior towards children and animals. No situation is the same, but it is all abuse.

I am Katey represents all women. All women deserve to be safe. All women deserve to be happy.

Together we can support and uplift each other through education, donations to women’s charities, and by sharing our stories. We become experts through lived experience.

Women helping women.

We are not alone.


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