
NFT trading

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NFT trading




Do you know what an NFT is? It stands for Non-Fungible Token and basically describes an object which derives extra value by being unique and therefore scarce. Lately we have seen attempts of selling these unique digital items for big money. This is nothing new. Non-digital examples with similar uses to NFTs include rare artwork, old bottles of wine, celebrity paraphernalia or trading cards. We have also seen digital predecessors such as rare skins, weapons or armor in various online games.

In The World, there is an emergent market consisting of various rare slaves which may bring their owner status and fortune just by owning them. Examples may include artisanal slaves, inhuman slaves or celebrity slaves. Wealthy slaveowners brawl over the release of the latest limited edition slavegirl.

Personally I do not have anything against the principle of NFT and I could see the potential use as a type of secure digital currency. However, right now NFTs are majorly used as a speculative currency (i.e. the only reason to buy one is to sell the same one later for hopefully more money) and a way to pilfer or scam money out of unwary investors. I would suggest staying away from them unless you really feel like buying a lottery ticket, which probably is how they should be treated for now.


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Fri, 04 Mar 2022 09:43:46 PST


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